June 2016 Resolutions — Voters and Ballot Tracking Center [back to election]

Who can vote? Only the voters listed here.


57 cast votes

previous 50    Voters 51 - 100 (of 283)   next 50   
Name Smart Ballot Tracker
Steve Beuerlein
Betsy Greenberg
Sandy Gomez
Kate Kniejski
Tom Arbuckle
Eric Vogt
Marisa Tansil
Eric Hartzell
Heidi Gerbracht
Trevor Robinson
Nita Kostroski
Sheila Jernigan
Wayne Pike
Suzanne Pike
Timothy Bray
Wade Beesley
Brennan Griffin
Lauren Cresswell
Michael McGrail
Tom Terkel
Beth Wilson
Jake Carter
Faith Melgaard
Chad Vanderlinden
Stephen Rye
Alexander Rigney
William Tomko
Hayden Geller
Neil Lubell
Paul Cauvin
Jessica Hatchett
Ben Stark
Angela Hooben
J.R. Johnson
Tina Barrett
Nathan Church
Mike Gorse
John Clary G9xOo44XeUlT5lSZ35vODERyIxi/EXaDxu22zmmxtKs
Andy Cantu tcKma0IY77d6bbFTeHe15KU/anqoZFyFmRzJDhiTjOw
Sam Covey OV1Ll/VpWgXUT84LagFPu+QQx4iYiqSF1cehc2MVFTY
Tom Wald /mSPFcm2l14IFJt44dmRyDyODZHtXPd5Kov6AIxAaNw
Nicole Styre 9aXinaVo1dJVJbrV9qlqTOyI/djKVilyooRJtM9BYEo
Jace Deloney
Jim Bronson
Sara Torres
Lacy Patterson
Jessica Castilleja
Frank Onuorah
Ryan Sentell
Jason Meeker