August 2017 CodeNEXT FAN Resolutions — Voters and Ballot Tracking Center [back to election]

Who can vote? Only the voters listed here.


111 cast votes

previous 50    Voters 151 - 200 (of 550)   next 50   
Name Smart Ballot Tracker
Michael Hardy
Jonathan Brewer
Kristine Kim
Abianne Falla
Jay Billig ER/j6uW3IwPJA/1VIcRjIW2Q6E0liObl6gQKMjgaOd4
Montana Pineyro qDl28T/FLo51wd65wxGDHiTfzejWErzOb5baDjxHm+g
John Horton SKPFXeg85R3+rsNgt2tgWn5k/KGuCs8b9VysnxAarho
Ross Topol ciwuLq0OPQpXyawym92NlI8lnwoItKsLmUyWPrhk3qE
Roger Borgelt NAuQsYKy0870MIqwLnFKjE7nFH+5R5oX537qyY3d2BE
Lillie Artale
Jason Martin
Susan Maze
Stephanie Jarnigan
Tobin Allen
Jennifer Stafford
Ryan Fenton
Bradley Otts
Travis Somerville
John Mullikin
Donna Lipman
Andy Delony
Bryan Lares
Jonas Lord
Jay Hultman
Julie Hagey
Ken McWilliams
Carrie Heinley
Charles Hornung
Eugenie Long
Sara Oswalt
Molly Stott
Stephane Godevais
Nikhil Batra
Christopher Kennedy
Dalis Vansickle
Jeff Jenson
Sean McGregor
Angell Tsang
Kris Umlauf
Brooks Calavan
Vi Nguyen
Joe Koizen
Kyle Hoskins
Olivia Primanis
Audrey Baxter
Erin McGann
Elizabeth Nguyen
Christine McCall
Brandy Boswell
Cid Galindo