Light Rail on Guadalupe
public election created by Friends of Hyde Park
Friends of Hyde Park supports the Central Austin CDC proposal to place a bond on the November ballot intended to fund the construction of a light rail starter line on Lamar and Guadalupe. The prospective line would start at the intersection of Lamar and Airport, head down Lamar to the Triangle, down Guadalupe to Republic Square. This line would be funded locally. It’s likely the Federal Transit Administration would give Austin retroactive credit later on by increasing funding levels of future extensions, as was done in Houston (who also built their own first short line with 100% local funds). The proposed cost is roughly $400M. For more details, a map, and presentation, please see this link in the Friends of Hyde Park forum:
questions (2)
voters & ballots
trustees (1)
This election is complete.
Question #1
I swear and affirm that I am the person for whom this ballot was intended, I am eligible to vote, and I am not voting under anyone else's direction.
Question #2
Friends of Hyde Park supports the Central Austin CDC proposal to place a bond on the November ballot intended to fund the construction of a light rail starter line on Lamar and Guadalupe. The prospective line would start at the intersection of Lamar and Airport, head down Lamar to the Triangle, down Guadalupe to Republic Square. This line would be funded locally. It’s likely the Federal Transit Administration would give Austin retroactive credit later on by increasing funding levels of future extensions, as was done in Houston (who also built their own first short line with 100% local funds). The proposed cost is roughly $400M. For more details, a map, and presentation, please see this link in the Friends of Hyde Park forum: