Hyde Park Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Vote
public referendum created by Hyde Park
The Friends of Hyde Park neighborhood association is holding an online vote regarding accessory dwelling units (ADU). The Austin City Council will be holding a public hearing to discuss relaxing the regulations required to build ADUs and we feel that it's important for Hyde Park to be represented. To vote, click on the link below. This will take you to the Helios voting module where you will first be given quick instructions, then you will be required to affirm your identity, then you'll vote, and lastly you will be required to use the voter ID and password below to submit the vote. The names of all registered votes will be listed; however, how you vote will be completely anonymous.
The vote will close on 1/28 at 5pm. In order to guarantee that you can vote, please make sure you are registered at least 48 hours before the vote closes.
questions (2)
voters & ballots
trustees (1)
This election is complete.
Question #1
I swear and affirm that I am the person for whom this ballot was intended and I am not voting under anyone else's direction.
Question #2
In order to increase housing options for renters and provide more flexibility for property owners, I support easing restrictions on accessory dwelling units (granny flats, secondary apartments, garage apartments).