ZecHub Dev Fund Poll (May 2024)

public election created by Jason McGee [archived]

The purpose of this poll is to survey ZecHub DAO members on issues related to the Zcash Development Fund. This is the first sentiment poll, and there will be more polls based on the results and evolving discussions within the community over the next few months. If you find any of the questions unclear or need more information, please contact Jason McGee on Discord or Telegram at aquietinvestor, or via email at aquietinvestor@gmail.com.

Voting start at May 27, 2024, 12:01 a.m.
Voting end at May 29, 2024, 9:59 a.m.

questions (10)   |   voters & ballots   |   trustees (1)

This election is complete.


Question #1
Which of the following statements best reflects your opinion?

The Dev Fund should be renewed after the next halving in late 2024.14
The Dev Fund should end, and 100% of the block reward should go to miners.3
Question #2
If the Dev Fund is renewed, it:

Should remain 20% of the block reward9
Should be less than 20% of the block reward8
Should be more than 20% of the block reward0
Question #3
If the Dev Fund is renewed, how long should it last for before having to be renewed again?

1 year4
2 years11
3 years1
4 years1
Question #4
Which Dev Fund model do you support most?

A direct funding model where a portion of the block rewards goes directly to organizations (e.g. ECC, ZF, ZCG) similar to the current version of the Dev Fund. 4
A non-direct funding model like or similar to the Zcash Funding Bloc, where, for example, funds locked in a multi-signature wallet are allocated by trusted community participants through major and minor grants. 10
An alternative model or option not listed above.2
The Dev Fund should not be renewed.1
Question #5
Do you support extending the current Dev Fund for one year to give the community more time to explore and implement a non-direct funding model, like the Zcash Funding Bloc? See link to draft ZIP below.

Question #6
If the current direct Dev Fund model is renewed, would you support more independent entities (in addition to the existing three) receiving a slice of the Dev Fund even if that means giving less % to the existing recipients?

Question #7
Which Dev Fund recipient has had the MOST positive impact on the Zcash ecosystem?

Electric Coin Company9
Zcash Foundation2
Zcash Community Grants6
Question #8
Which Dev Fund recipient has had the LEAST positive impact on the Zcash ecosystem?

Electric Coin Company3
Zcash Foundation7
Zcash Community Grants7
Question #9
Zcash Community Grants is a committee under the Zcash Foundation, and not a separate organization. Would you support Zcash Community Grants becoming a fully-independent entity capable of managing its own operations and organizational structure?

Question #10
The Zcash Trademark Agreement is a bilateral agreement between ECC and ZF that ultimately determines what is called “Zcash”. Among other things, the Agreement requires both entities to sign off on any network upgrade before it can be implemented. In addition, neither party is permitted to take actions that violate “the clear consensus of the Zcash community.” Earlier this year, ECC announced its intention to terminate the Agreement. If ECC unilaterally terminates the Agreement without concession from ZF, then ZF will gain sole ownership of the trademark. Which of the following statements best reflects your opinion on the trademark?

The Zcash Foundation should maintain unilateral control over the trademark, including governing network upgrades, soliciting community sentiment through ZCAP and other methods.2
The trademark should be limited to addressing violations of misuse and abuse only, and should not be used to govern network upgrades.6
The trademark should be completely invalidated. 9
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