Friends of Hyde Park 2018 Board Election — Voters and Ballot Tracking Center [back to election]

Who can vote? Only the voters listed here.


16 cast votes

previous 50    Voters 251 - 300 (of 413)   next 50   
Name Smart Ballot Tracker
Brandon Suehs
Nanci Kahn
Sherry Grona
Jordan Yu
Diana Uribe
Rick Kahn
Jack Virostko
Monica Smith
Jena Hammond
Aditya Chopra
Lorena Pesantez
Martin Cohen
Ann Gauntt
Lorig Hawkins
John McCleary
Lori McCleary
Katy Price
Amy Dase
Scott Rhodes
Leslie Hall
Graham Fleming
Christopher Vega
Denise Bell
James Todd
Jessica Ramirez
Eric Gros
Andrea Manrique
Sikander Gilani
Nova Courtois
Dennis Weaver
Nikita Weaver
Erin Givarz
Sara & Jeremy
Kathleen & Sty
Marsha & Adam
Jeremy Hahn
Beth Michaels
Louis Grachos
Eugenie Long
Starr Long
Heather OConnor
Beejoli Shah
Leon Ashbrook
Laura Wilson
Leslie Jaramillo
Peniel Joseph
Ron Barr
Ruta Bertulis
Jeff Thompson
Jonathan Franchi