Vote to approve SMSS bylaws policies 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07
public referendum created by
Eleftherios Gkioulekas
The Bylaws Committee has developed several policies. After a townhall meeting last Tuesday (01/22/2019), we are ready to present to you the first 7 policies for faculty vote. These policies cover School meetings, Electronic/Ballot Voting, School Director, and School administration. They are attached to this email and they have also been uploaded to the SMSS website for your reference at:
You will receive a separate email from Helios where you will be asked to vote to approve these policies, one at a time. The vote options are: Approve, Not Approve, Abstain. Helios allows you to cast a ballot multiple tines, however only the last one is counted. The deadline for the vote is 02/04/2019, so that at least one full weekend is included to review and study these policies. We will send periodic reminders as the deadline approaches.
Voting start at Jan. 28, 2019, noon
Voting end at Feb. 12, 2019, 4:29 p.m.
questions (7)
voters & ballots
trustees (1)
This election is complete.
Question #1
Do you approve Policy 01: Definition of the School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
Approve | 42 |
Do Not Approve | 1 |
Abstain | 1 |
Question #2
Do you approve Policy 02: School Meetings
Approve | 41 |
Do Not Approve | 2 |
Abstain | 1 |
Question #3
Do you approve Policy 03: Voting
Approve | 41 |
Do Not Approve | 1 |
Abstain | 2 |
Question #4
Do you approve Policy 04: School Director
Approve | 42 |
Do Not Approve | 1 |
Abstain | 1 |
Question #5
Do you approve Policy 05: Hiring and Appointment of the School Director
Approve | 40 |
Do Not Approve | 1 |
Abstain | 3 |
Question #6
Do you approve Policy 06: Comprehensive evaluation of the School Director
Approve | 42 |
Do Not Approve | 1 |
Abstain | 1 |
Question #7
Do you approve Policy 07: School Administration
Approve | 40 |
Do Not Approve | 2 |
Abstain | 2 |