Zcash Dev Fund Community Sentiment Collection Poll
public referendum created by
Josh Cincinnati
Read this first if you haven't already! https://www.zfnd.org/blog/community-sentiment-collection-poll/ If you're a Zcash Foundation Community Advisory Panel, here's where you can vote on various potential Dev Fund-related ZIPs for Zcash. With respect to each ZIP, you are asked this question: “Do you approve of the plan specified in this proposal?” The answer options are yes, no, or abstain. You can vote yes (or no, or abstain) on multiple proposals. Helios does not allow us to attach links to questions, so the forum link for each proposal is attached to each answer (the links that say "more"). Please take the time to read each proposal and their attached discussions before casting your ballot, and thank you so much for your contributions!
Voting start at Nov. 16, 2019, 10:11 p.m.
Voting end at Dec. 1, 2019, 8 a.m.
questions (13)
voters & ballots
trustees (1)
This election is complete.
Question #1
“Keep the block distribution as initaly defined. 90% to miners.”
Approve | 5 |
Disapprove | 40 |
Abstain | 3 |
Question #2
“A genuine opt-in protocol level, development donation option”
Approve | 10 |
Disapprove | 36 |
Abstain | 2 |
Question #3
“20% split between the ECC and the Foundation”
Approve | 19 |
Disapprove | 25 |
Abstain | 4 |
Question #4
“20% to any combination of ECC, Zfnd, Parity, or ‘burn’”
Approve | 7 |
Disapprove | 36 |
Abstain | 5 |
Question #5
“ZCFS (Zcash Community Funding System”)
Approve | 12 |
Disapprove | 33 |
Abstain | 3 |
Question #6
“Blocktown Development Fund Proposal: 10% to a 2-of-3 multisig with community involved Third Entity”
Approve | 9 |
Disapprove | 34 |
Abstain | 5 |
Question #7
“Dev Fund Supplemental Proposal: enforce devfund commitments with legal charter”
Approve | 10 |
Disapprove | 28 |
Abstain | 10 |
Question #8
“Kek’s proposal: fund ECC for 2 more years”
Approve | 9 |
Disapprove | 33 |
Abstain | 6 |
Question #9
“Dev Fund Strategic Council Approach”
Approve | 10 |
Disapprove | 31 |
Abstain | 7 |
Question #10
“A Grand Compromise/Synthesis ZIP Proposal”
Approve | 31 |
Disapprove | 13 |
Abstain | 4 |
Question #11
“Decentralizing the Dev Fee”
Approve | 15 |
Disapprove | 23 |
Abstain | 10 |
Question #12
“Dev Fund Proposal: Dev Fund to ECC + Zfnd + Major Grants”
Approve | 31 |
Disapprove | 11 |
Abstain | 6 |
Question #13
“Keep It Simple, Zcashers (KISZ): 10% to ECC, 10% to Zfnd”
Approve | 26 |
Disapprove | 18 |
Abstain | 4 |