Polling Community Sentiment on ZIP 1014
public referendum created by
Josh Cincinnati
Read this if you haven't already! https://www.zfnd.org/blog/zip-1014-poll/ All the questions below pertain to ZIP 1014, which you can read here: https://zips.z.cash/zip-1014 PLEASE READ THE ZIP THOROUGHLY BEFORE VOTING. For a detailed timeline of responses about the Dev Fund debate from the ZF and ECC, please check this link: https://www.zfnd.org/governance/#2019-q3--2020-q1
Voting start at Jan. 18, 2020, 3:30 a.m.
Voting end at Jan. 28, 2020, 5 p.m.
questions (5)
voters & ballots
trustees (1)
This election is complete.
Question #1
Do you support the ZIP 1014 presented here? https://zips.z.cash/zip-1014 (ZIP 1014 is a lightly modified version of ZIP 1012, which had the most support in the previous sentiment collection poll. Note that all follow up questions in this poll assume ZIP 1014 as a basis; please read it carefully before answering the rest of this poll)
Question #2
Using this ZIP as a basis, what should the distribution of the dev fund slices be?
ECC: 35%, MG: 40%, ZF: 25% | 41 |
ECC: 40%, MG: 35%, ZF: 25% | 8 |
ECC: 45%, MG: 30%, ZF: 25% | 7 |
ECC: 50%, MG: 25%, ZF: 25% | 20 |
Any of the above distributions is acceptable | 12 |
Question #3
Do you believe the Foundation should have independent authority in determining Major Grants, or should there be a new Major Grant Review Committee as prescribed in this ZIP?
The Foundation should have independent authority in determining Major Grants | 34 |
There should be a new Major Grant Review Committee with near-complete authority | 34 |
Either option is acceptable | 20 |
Question #4
Using this ZIP as a basis, should there be a US Dollar-denominated Monthly Funding Cap/Volatility Reserve for the shares to ECC, ZF, and Major Grants or should there be no restrictions? Note that ECC has indicated they plan to decline their funding if a US Dollar-denominated funding cap is imposed, while ZF has indicated that they have no issue with a funding cap. We are not measuring your approval of the specific amount of the Monthly Funding Cap in the ZIP; we are interested in your approval of the concept as a whole. The exact cap can be set by processes outlined in the ZIP.
There SHOULD NOT be a Monthly Funding Cap and Volatility Reserve | 56 |
There SHOULD be a Monthly Funding Cap and Volatility Reserve | 18 |
Either option is acceptable | 14 |
Question #5
ECC has indicated they plan to decline their funding slice if there is a Monthly Funding Cap/Volatility Reserve restriction. If the community decides on a Monthly Funding Cap/Volatility Reserve and ECC declines their funding, where should their slice be redirected?
Major Grants | 44 |
Zcash Foundation | 33 |
Miners | 11 |